What is your current job and how long have you been doing it?
I am an Assistant Superintendent and I’ve been working in the field for BOND for three and a half years. Plus, almost all my college internships were spent in various field positions.
Why did you choose construction as a career path? What led you to it?
There wasn’t one moment that defined my career path – I’ve always been a builder. From zillions of Lego projects; sixth grade woodshop class; high school carpentry class; to working in a cabinetry millwork shop during college. I gravitated to my role now because construction feels like a big puzzle and I want to put all the pieces together.
What do you enjoy most in your role? What inspires you?
I love my role because the work – from district energy facilities to schools to active hospitals – is full of meaning and reward. Every day I get to work with talented teams to build projects that will help people and communities.
That’s not to say the work is always easy – it’s not. It can be dirty, tough, exhausting, and totally unglamorous. Yet at the end of the day, I can I say, “I did it”. I know that I can do hard things and thrive. So, I’m inspired by the fact that my work isn’t always easy, but I was not built for tranquility.
Do you have any advice for women considering a career in construction?
Embrace the unknown. If you’re considering a career in construction in any way but it makes you nervous – embrace it. Let that fear of what you don’t know empower you to ask questions, dig for answers, and put quality work in place. When you embrace what you don’t know, you’ll get out of your comfort zone and you’ll find out what you’re capable of.
What is the biggest challenge you face being in the construction field?
As a woman in the field, I’m often faced with being the only woman on the jobsite. Among other things, this has led to an occasional sense of isolation and on a few occasions made me question myself, and my career choice. But by reaching out in my network, I was able to find a mentor, another woman superintendent, who reminded me of why I want to be in this field and showed me I’m not the only woman on this path.
FUN FACT: I’m an avid hobby pharologist.