What do you like best about being a Project Manager? What inspires you?
I’ve always been drawn towards history, craftsmanship and the human thumbprint on the built environment. What I love about my job are the historical restoration projects; restoring and adapting an old structure in ways that maintain a building’s integrity, while making upgrades and improvements that allow for its continued vitality. It’s also the “heart smile” of knowing I am part of a team that has delivered a successful project. When an Owner/Architect/Contractor team is truly collaborative, it can make a real difference in peoples’ lives.
What’s the most exciting project you’ve worked on to date?
That is like asking which is your favorite child! How can you pick one? The ones that I am most proud of are, in no particular order are: rebuilding the tower of The Old State House, restoration of Emerson’s Majestic Theatre restoration and improvements to Boston Public Library’s McKim Building, restoration of H.H. Richardson’s Hayden Building, and the Taunton State Hospital Women’s Recovery from Addictions Program (WRAP).
What advice would you give other young women considering a career in construction? What things should they look for or ask?
It’s true the construction industry is a male dominated field, but I’ve never let that become an issue for me. My advice starting out is to be bold, don’t be afraid to learn and try new things. Ask questions! You’d be surprised how much people like to explain what they’re doing. If you make a mistake, learn from it. Get involved in the community to further your education and development.
FUN FACT: If Pam could build her dream vacation house anywhere in the world she’d pick Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland. Why? “Kerry’s blue skies, green hills, beautiful coastline, rich culture and colorful people come together to make this a very special place.”